How Do I Choose the Right Car Accident Lawyer?
After you were involved in a traumatic event in your life, now you are left with one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make: “How do I choose the right car accident lawyer?”
Figuring out the right lawyer is a process, AS IT SHOULD BE. Not only will this attorney be handling your lawsuit from sign-up to verdict, but they will be your direct liaison for obtaining your benefits pursuant to your statutory rights in a Michigan courtroom. Remember, although the decision to settle is the client’s decision alone, it is up to your attorney to truly engage you, and retrieve a settlement on your behalf that is full and fair justice.
Although you may be initially swayed to hire a lawyer that you heard on the television, radio, or a billboard in Detroit, be aware that that same law firm has a generous marketing budget, and likely an “army” of lawyers and paralegals who can realistically dedicate a limited amount of time and expertise to your unique case. However, if you are looking for an attorney, who will be attentive to your case and everything it requires, we invite you to give us a call so we can evaluate whether your case fits our case criteria.
NOT 1/4 Justice.
NOT 1/2 Justice.
NOT 3/4 Justice.
We require 100.00% Justice for each one of our clients.
You will find when dealing with an automole insu
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